AI or artificial intelligence is an opposition to the intelligence of humans and animals, as they are composed of machine intelligence. They are a form of hyper-contrasted intelligence as they are complex but relatively simple in the coding aspect. They are not as complex as human intelligence as human intelligence is riddled with emotions, so you could call AI a pure sort of intelligence. Thus making it far more 2-dimensional than how we perceive it.
The problem with human intelligence is its limits to work, it can’t process endlessly, hence we created alternatives such as AI. Thus furthering a more juxtapositional perspective on the topic of AI vs Humans. Not to make a floccinucinihilipilification of AI, but AI does help recreate or multiply the pre-existing human intelligence. It can be implemented in cases where human intelligence needs to be somewhat looped and worked through, which takes time in the case of a human due to their mortal limitations.
Three Dimensional Aspect of AI
The 3-dimensional aspect of AI is not defined obviously, but it’s an amplified version of the human intelligence to put in words. Such amplification, with time, may cause it to develop into a much more complex entity than what it was intended to be, but we will never know the truth behind the intelligence, ie human that created the AI, to fixate on that fact, when we are taking the implementation of it worldwide. It sure raises a lot of questions regarding – safety, privacy, sentient growth of AI.
AI in Art: The Fine Line Between Innovation and Overkill
Humans are limiting themselves with the implementation of AI for tasks that require a human touch, hence the recent Hollywood strike of cast members as they were getting the threat of losing their jobs by replacing them with AI. Such implementation, when looking through an economic point-of-view does raise eyebrows regarding people losing jobs and crises, but let’s take the perspective further back by bringing up the above-mentioned self-limiting of humans. The best example is art. The human touch was and is the ever-present factor that makes art, art. Using AI for creating art is objectively a redundant approach of our times. AI is useful, but it should not be an overkill. In gastroenterological terms, AI is a comfort food, and the poison is in the dosage.
AI and the Rise of Human Laziness
This is an underlying problem with all of humanity as we have such an orientation towards the comfort zone in all aspects of life, and since AI is something that is implemented on that level worldwide, it is overutilised. We are not talking about the threats of AI, but rather the human orientation towards unoriginality and laziness, which is an underlying threat if it is increased in dosage. Human laziness is a multifaceted topic. We all crave an internal and external vacation from everything, but the same longing might displace our jobs and other social places. There is a steadfast rise in the number of people who participate in AI dating instead of socializing with women just like the movie ‘Her’ starring Joaquin Phoenix. These are major problems that are rooted in the redundant human approach to AI.It is essential that we approach this situation with much more nuance.
But our task at hand, rather than stating how noncohesive human intellectual growth and AI are, is to find a solution to work together synchronously and synergistically in a way that the benefits of AI can come to fruition without interrupting our growth as a human community. They can help us exclusively on tasks such as augmented intelligence which may include complementary skills and data analysis, and cognitive assistance and automation of repetitive tasks as mentioned above as the primary root to which the idea of a machine or AI was deemed as necessary. Humans can contribute to the ongoing training and improvement of AI systems by providing feedback, correcting errors, and fine-tuning algorithms. Hence growing together as balanced beneficiaries.